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© CUADC 2024

3. The Team

So now you’ve got a slot and secured your funding, it is time to put together your production team.

The size of your team and the roles you will need to fill depends entirely on the size and nature of your production. Teams range from 4 people to a massive 100 people on shows like the ADC/Footlights pantomime.

The first thing to do is register your show on CamDram. This is the online database that contains information about every show in Cambridge. Once registered, you can post adverts for open positions on your show, which will be sent out on our email lists.

You should set a deadline for applications to your show. Once passed, you can offer interviews to a shortlist of applicants to talk to them more about their experience and ideas for the production. It is important to let people know as soon as possible whether you will be offering them the role or not.