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The Tempest

6th - 10th May 2014, 7:45 pm
ADC Theatre
Tickets: £9 - £14
Book Online

Prospero’s unchallenged reign over his island has continued for over a decade, but the washing up of a boat carrying Italian noblemen onto its shores looks to challenge that.  With the help of his magical servant, Ariel, he hopes to protect himself and his daughter from the aims of the new arrivals by casting spells and illusions against them, turning them on each other. The young, handsome Ferdinand, part of the shipwrecked cohort, knows he wants to marry Prosperos daughter from the first time he lays eyes on her and is blind to Prosperos disdain.

The battle of love, magic and truth grows from peaceful beginnings into a storm of its own, raging through the island.

Magic, music and romance abound in this production of The Tempest, Shakespeares complex and ethereal consideration of what it means to be both loved and betrayed, when you have never known anything else.