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© CUADC 2025

The Calligrapher

15th - 19th February 2022, 7:00 pm
Corpus Playroom
Tickets: £7.50 – £9
Book Online

Locked away in Baghdad Mosque is a beautifully intricate Quran, complete with 6,000 verses of elaborate calligraphy and 600 pages of decorative motifs – a marvel in artistry that would surely be celebrated by Muslims and artists around the world if it were not written in Saddam Hussein’s blood. Now its artist lives in the US, where he restores old paintings for a living, but in every step, he’s still followed by the walking, talking, blood-drenched Quran that has haunted him since.

The Calligrapher is a student-written drama that explores the importance of the artefacts with which we litter our history.