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© CUADC 2025

Swordfighting workshop

22nd February 2014, 2 pm
ADC Theatre

Yarit Dor leads a workshop in swordfighting for stage combat – useful for Shakespeare through to all kinds of other performance.

Yarit is a BASSC Certified Stage Combat Teacher working in the UK.
She trained in Lecoq physical theatre and devising at LISPA and in
dance at the Trinity Laban Conservetoire in London. She also holds
an MA in Theatre Directing from Rose Bruford College. She works as
an Action Double, Fight performer, physical theatre actress and as a
movement and fight choreographer. Teaching Credits include: RADA,
Drama Studio London, Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts, Pineapple
Performing Arts, Kent University, Coventry City College, City Lit
and BASSC Lion in Winter 2013 workshop.

Free for all CUADC members. To sign up, please complete the form below. To confirm your place, please write a cheque for £10 payable to “Cambridge University Amateur Dramatic Club” and put it in the CUADC President pigeonhole at the ADC, or CUSU-MS it to Adam Smith, Queens’ College. This is a deposit cheque to discourage last minute dropping out, and will not be cashed if you attend.