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© CUADC 2024

Fringe Discussion

8th May 2018, 7 pm
Maypole Upstairs Room

With only three months to go until the Edinburgh Fringe, CUADC wants to bring together participants – from first time producers to veteran Fringe directors, for an informal session of discussion.

This is a great opportunity to get an idea of what to expect from the Fringe if you’ve never been, as well as share information and handy tips and most importantly meet you fellow Fringe-goers for this year!

This isn’t in any way limited to just those going or who have been to the Fringe with CUADC shows, and we welcome anyone to come along and contribute, or just listen, even if you’re not working on a show at the Fringe this year, though we’ll mostly be discussing things relevant to producers, directors and technicians.

We’ll begin at 7pm with some brief talks from CUADC Committee and ADC Management on their experience of different roles at the Fringe, followed by a discussion where anyone can share advice and their experiences, as well as ask questions.

We hope to see you there and to help you make your Fringe experience the best it can be!