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© CUADC 2025

Michael Corbidge – verse workshop

15th February 2014, 1 pm
ADC Theatre

Michael Corbidge presents a highly physical and unpretentious three hour workshop on how to approach verse – don’t miss it if you’re working on verse or planning to!

Michael trained at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and to date has clocked up over 30 years in the industry as Man and Boy! While based in South East Asia he was Senior Voice and Text Coach for Disney’s The Lion King. Writing commissions include a new children’s TV programme Witz Kids for Media Corps and 12 new adventures for Rainbow Bear for stage, screen, and publication. From 2011-2013 he was a voice and text coach for the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Free for all CUADC members. To sign up, please complete the form below. To confirm your place, please write a cheque for £10 payable to “Cambridge University Amateur Dramatic Club” and put it in the CUADC President pigeonhole at the ADC, or CUSU-MS it to Adam Smith, Queens’ College. This is a deposit cheque to discourage last minute dropping out, and will not be cashed if you attend.