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Sophie Scholl

16th - 20th October 2012, 7:45 pm
ADC Theatre
Tickets: £6 - £10
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As a member of the passive resistance group, The White Rose, Sophie is determined to rouse the German people into action against the Nazi regime. After being caught distributing so-called ‘seditious’ leaflets, she must endure a gruelling interrogation process and a brutal trial. But even the most tragic fate cannot sway her unstoppable quest for justice. This heart-rending tale brings to life a passionate desire to live in a free and democratic society.

Sophie Scholl has gone down in history as one of the world’s greatest heroines. Her bravery in the name of freedom, and the face of terror, will never cease to inspire people all over the world.

Now, the CUADC has been granted the incredible opportunity to present the first ever stage adaptation of the Academy Award-nominated German film and bring this powerful story to Cambridge, adapted by the student director of King Lear and Waiting for Godot. The film was written by Fred Breinersdorfer, who holds the rights to the screenplay.

This is the story of Sophie Scholl, the woman who defied Hitler.