No show this week


© CUADC 2024

Props Store

The CUADC props store is packed full of useful items to help you add detail to your show! We have a selection of commonly needed items for productions of most genres, as well as a number of more obscure objects!

The props store is run by the Stage Managers’ Rep, and is located in the ADC Theatre.

The props store does NOT contain furniture. The ADC Theatre Management administers a furniture store, available to all shows at the ADC Theatre and Corpus Playroom. Please address any enquiries about furniture hire, including tables and chairs, to

How to access props:

  • Email the Stage Managers’ Rep, at, with any queries about the needs for your show. They will always be happy to tell you what’s available in advance.
  • The props store is by default open on Sundays. Please get in touch by email to book an appointment for getting the props for your show, including in the email a list of props you’d like to get. Such appointments must be booked by Thursday that week.
    • The exact time of the props store opening will be included in the reply to your email.
  • The props store is also open by appointment on other days of the week, for looking at/checking items (but not getting them out). When you get in touch we can try to arrange a time. Such appointments must be booked at least two days ahead of time, and are not guaranteed to be fulfilled (but we will try our best!).
  • Props may be used free of charge by any show affiliated with the ADC Theatre (including Corpus Playroom), and can be hired by anyone else looking for props for a negotiable fee based on quantity and quality of props. (See 02.11.22 Committee Meeting Minutes, Item 9.3)
  • Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about props at all, or any more general stage management queries!

Conditions of hire:

  • At the end of your show’s run the props must be returned by the agreed return date (usually the day after your show finishes)
  • Props should be returned to the “Props Return Shelves” which are just outside the Props Store
  • Please return your props in the condition you would wish them to be issued to you – in particular all crockery and glassware must be washed up.
  • You will incur a charge for any damages, losses, breakages, or significant degradation to the quality of the prop.
  • Contact the SM Rep with any issues arising.