A Day in May
7:00 pm, Corpus Playroom


© CUADC 2025


The CUADC Committee is made up of 17 students who are elected by members in Lent term each year. We are here to support our productions and to help people get involved with theatre in Cambridge, as well as make decisions about CUADC.

The Committee is led by the President and meets weekly, usually late on a Sunday afternoon. Each Club Show funded by us is given a Committee member as a ‘show contact’ who is always on hand to help out. If you ever have a question about your shows or how to start getting involved, or want something raised at a meeting, you can get in touch with us here.

  • Technical Director – Chris Wordsworth – 
  • Stage Managers’ Rep – Katie Stapleton – 

The Club’s Senior Treasurer is Dr Richard Barnes.