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Skillshare Workshop – Alexander Technique

9th June 2018, 7:30 pm
ADC Theatre

This term, one of CUADC’s Actors’ Reps, Jess, has organised a series of workshops, designed to share skills between students.

The third in our series is the only one this term hosted by a professional, and is on the Alexander Technique, mentored by Philipa Batty.

This will be an intensive workshop, which will teach actors the Alexander technique. It is a method of education that allows you to learn experientially about yourself, mentally and physically. You learn to regain the balance, co-ordination and poise that all human beings are designed to have. In relation to performance, the technique is particularly helpful for overcoming nerves, adapting yourself for different roles, and becoming a more truthful performer.

Mentor info: Philipa is a visiting professional Alexander technique teacher. She graduated from Bristol Alexander School, achieving the standards set by the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT).

The workshops have a limited capacity, spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Sign-up for this workshop, as well as those on Verse and Noh is at the link below: