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© CUADC 2025

RENT by Jonathan Larson

11th - 21st March 2015, 7:45 pm
ADC Theatre
Tickets: £14 - £11
Book Online

“How do you document real life, when real life’s getting more like fiction every day?”

Coming to the ADC Theatre this March, “Rent” is the smash-hit rock musical which follows the lives of people struggling to live as artists in New York City.

Unafraid to be honest in its portrayal of the hardships that face people, Rent does not shy away from subjects of controversy: alongside the struggling film maker, an angry performance artist and issues of sexuality and depression we are faced with those living with AIDS, addiction and sordid pasts that threaten their current happiness.

Yet, with its contagious energy and thirst for life, Rent promises to bring the audience to its feet with high tempo numbers such as “La Vie Boheme” and “Rent” as well as familiar favourites such as “Seasons of Love”

The biggest, coolest and most heart-wrenching show of the season, make sure you don’t miss out on Rent!

“Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?”