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CUADC/Footlights Pantomime 2017: The Hunchback of Notre Dame

22nd November - 2nd December 2017, 7:45 pm
ADC Theatre
Tickets: £4 - £6
Book Online

There’s a party coming to town. It’s going to be big. It’s going to be brash. It’s going to turn your world upside down.

The poor will become rich. The beautiful becomes ugly. Up will become down, left will become right, good becomes bad, day becomes night. There’ll be lonely bell-ringers with silly names, there’ll be moving gargoyles and pantomime dames. There’ll be talking goats and angry priests, feasting fools and fools at feasts. Lights. Music. Dance. Song. Revolution. Power. Christmas. Ding. Dong.

Join us from Quasimodo’s bell tower, and watch the biggest and campest revolution from the best view in Paris. We have a hunch that you’re going to enjoy it.